Casa Nepal: A safe home

Project Summary
Casa Nepal: a safe home for GBV survivors and their dependent children has been providing rehabilitation services, awareness-raising and developing skills since 2007.
Project Start Date
August, 2022
Project End Date
December, 2024
Project Location
Kathmandu and Sindhuli
Targeted Beneficiaries
GBV women survivors
- 350

Casa Nepal: a safe home for GBV survivors and their dependent children has been providing rehabilitation services, awareness-raising and developing skills since 2007. The main objective of this safe home is to strengthen the existing support systems serving survivors of gender-based violence and their dependent children. Rehabilitation of the survivors of GBV is vital for their recovery and reintegration.

Casa Nepal offers rehabilitation services such as life skills education, therapeutic activities like Yoga and meditation, literacy classes, home-based production training, knitting training, skill development training, seed capital support and follows up. Casa Nepal has assisted more than 1000 women and children and has reduced the recurrence of GBV as the survivors are skilled, literate, empowered, and confident when they go back home. New income-generating skill helps them to alter the patriarchal gender norms previously entrenched in their households.

APEIRON also provides couples and family counselling to help entire families understand why an act of violence occurred and how to prevent it from happening in the future. Since 2019, APEIRON is operating CASA Nepal in its building in Mulpani Kathmandu and Sindhuli safe home is running in a municipality building. Services provided by safe homes have been designed and aligned with Apeiron's different Outcomes and intervention areas. Because of the holistic nature of this project, it contributes to Apeiron's two outcomes; Gender-based violence decreases and Women gain economic independence.

CASA Nepal adopts a survivor-centred approach, which means that everyone engaged in GBV survivor care must prioritize the rights, needs, and wishes of the survivors. Essentially, a survivor centred approach aims to create a supportive environment in which the survivor’s rights are respected and in which she is treated with dignity and respect.

Benefeciary Selection Procedure

GBV survivors women from all over the country.

help us empower the women in need

Through literacy, micro-enterprise, and vocational and life skills trainings, Apeiron fights against prejudice, violence, and inequality so that women can develop the skills to support themselves and their families. Women's empowerment is Apeiron’s ultimate goal.
Donate us
Alleviate Poverty Empowering Women in Rural Areas of Nepal (APEIRON) (महिला सशक्तीकरणद्वारा ग्रामीण नेपालको गरिबी निवारण) is a non-governmental, non-political, non-profit social organization established in the spirit of pure service registered in 2013 in Nepal.
DAO Regd. no223
SWC Affiliation no38100


Tundaldevi Mandir - Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal
01-4543520, 01-4544596
Hami Chau Ni.. APEIRON
© Copyright 2021 by APEIRON NEPAL. Website by: Diverse Patterns